Keeping House

The dryer ticks and cools while I fold.
My warm shirts stir the musty air when
a rush in the pipes startles the silence.
"Hello?" I ask the joists.
But the dog naps knowing 
no one is there.
It is only the dishwasher draining,
sending the ghosts of children and men
running through the walls.

 – Teresa Kiplinger



Related metalwork

Photo: Nolan Issac via Unsplash 



  • Bonnie Klehr

    Love the art of your jewelry. We’ll done!!!!! I’m an artist who came to jewelry late & always stressed the why of art that you do so well!!!

  • Tierney Zan

    I love the sad beauty of your poem.

  • Deb Durant

    ACHE.. beauty & other things

  • Debs

    All my dwellings sweetly live on, whispering of times gone by, bookmarking the spirit of my youth and the passage of time.
    so spirit reminiscent

  • Aims

    OMG! No words to describe how this hits me – simply a GASP!

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